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DNA Skin Clinic offers effective combination technology to treat your scars

Acne scars are permanent textural defect left over from severe acne eruption that was not treated well on time. These physical craters across the skin give an uneven and damaged appearance.
Remove the visible aftereffects of Acne with our scar removal treatments.

Different types of acne scars

If you have acne scarring, there is a possibility that you might have one of the following types: 

1: Atrophic or Depressed Scars

  • Ice pick: This type of acne scar is shaped like a tool, with a large opening at the top that narrows to a point as it passes further into the skin. This type of scar is prevalent, yet it's also one of the most difficult to heal. Your forehead and upper cheeks, where the skin is thinner, are where you'll find them.
  • Rolling: These types of acne scars are observed on the lower cheeks and jaw, where the skin is thicker. The indents have slanted edges that make the skin look uneven and wavy.
  • Boxcar: Boxcar scars are indents that have sharp-edges that go down deep into the skin. These scars are generally visible on the lower cheeks and the jaw.

2. Hypertrophic or Keloid Scars

  • These types of acne scars can be found on the chest, back shoulders, and jawline. They cause a lot of pain and can be itchy at times.

Best Acne Scar Treatments for smother and even skin at DNA Skin Clinic

Acne scars can sometimes be stubborn, and no single acne treatment is suitable for all. At DNA Skin Clinic, the acne scar treatment in Bangalore might consider one or more of the following procedures to improve the appearance of the face and to reduce acne scars:

  • Home skincare: Some OTC creams which contain azelaic acid or hydroxyl acids, retinoids might help to reduce acne scars. Although consulting a dermatologist to understand better and learn about the most suitable topical creams is the right way to go.
  • Soft tissue fillers: The scars become less noticeable if collagen or some other substances are injected into the skin to make it plump. The results are often temporary, so repeated sessions are needed to maintain the results. This method has less risk of changes in skin color.
  • Steroid injection: Injecting steroids into raised scars can improve the appearance of the skin which results in a smoother skin surface. Steroids are also helpful in dealing with skin inflammation and reduce redness or itching.
  • Dermabrasion:  The top layer of the skin gets removed, thereby completely extracting the surface scars. And, the scars which are present deep inside the pores become less noticeable. This is suitable even for the severe types of scars.
  • Laser resurfacing: This method is progressively becoming popular and is often used on scars that were once treated with dermabrasion. In this method, fractional CO2 laser is commonly used which is an ablative laser meaning that it affects the topmost layer of the skin through heat generation and shedding it off. Erbium laser is another popular ablative laser that is used for skin resurfacing. As the damaged topmost skin layer is shed off the new skin appears to be smoother and more radiant.

  • Dermaroller or Microneedling: To stimulate collagen formation in the underlying tissue, a needle-like device called dermaroller is rolled over the skin. It is a safe and effective procedure for acne scars which has been in use for years. Results are subtle, and repeated treatments are needed.
  • Radiofrequency Microneedling: Using radiofrequency devices can help make the scars less evident by not destroying the outer layer of skin. When combined with microneedling, the outcome can be enhanced. Repeated sessions are needed for visible and long-lasting results. It is the most used acne scar treatment nowadays.
  • Chemical Peel: With the help of a chemical solution, the top layer of the skin is removed to minimize deeper scars. To maintain the results, mild and medium peels can be repeated. It is a very frequently performed treatment for scars and pigmentation concerns across the world.
  • Subcision: With this dermatosurgical technique called subcision, needles are inserted under the skin below a scar to break the fibrous tissues. It lifts the depressed scar and encourages new collagen production to improve the skin texture and make it look smooth. 3-6 sessions may be needed depending on the severity of the scars and patient’s expectations.


Q.1 How common is acne scarring?

Ans. It is very common and hits teenagers the most. People between the ages of 10 and 30 are the ones who suffer the most. 

Q.2 Are there any tests to determine what type of acne scar?

Ans. A dermatologist's visual examination is likely to analyze the type of scar. Your dermatologist can also assess the severity of your acne scarring.

Q.4 How much time does it take for the acne scars to go away?

Ans. The period depends on the type of scar and the type of treatment that is chosen. Early treatment of scars can help get rid of them easily and fast. Old acne scars can be difficult to deal with and may require more number of sessions to achieve desired results. A dermatologist can guide better about the results to be expected from a particular treatment after examining the patient’s skin. 

Q.3 What are the side effects of acne scars treatments?

Ans. At DNA Skin Clinic, only scientifically proven safe treatments are used. Additionally, the treatments are performed by an experienced dermatologist further reducing the chances of any mishaps or side effects from the treatments

Q.5 What makes acne scars severe?

Ans. Genetics play a major role in acne scars. Genes help in analyzing how perfectly a skin can heal and the amount of collagen it will produce. Individuals who have a habit of smoking, squeezing their acne often make the scarring extremely worse. Avoid touching the face unnecessarily and consult a doctor for acne treatment so that scarring can be avoided. 

Q.6 How many acne scar treatments will I need?

Ans. This can be determined only after examining your skin. Please feel free to get in touch with Dr. Priyanka Reddy at DNA Skin Clinic for procedure details and to learn about acne scar treatment cost in Bangalore.

Q.7 Will the acne scars go away completely?

Ans. Even with treatment, acne scars are difficult to improve. In many cases, only scar reduction can be achieved instead of complete removal. There’s no 100% guarantee that the acne scars will be completely gone even after the treatment. But most treatments will decrease the size of the acne scars, making them less observable. 

Q.8 Will the current acne breakouts interfere with the treatment for acne scars?

Ans. Yes! The skin needs to be free of active acne before starting the treatment for acne scars. Medications and treatments used for acne can interfere with medications and treatments being used for scars.

Q.9 Can acne scars be prevented?

Ans. The following tips may help in avoiding acne scars:

  • Avoid scratching the scars: Scratching or picking the acne scars promotes inflammation which will tend to make the scars worse.
  • Wear sunblock: The skin needs to get vitamin D from the sun. However, too much sunlight will darken the skin, and the darker the skin color, the more scars will be visible. 
  • Treat your acne timely: Some people tend to ignore acne. The more you wait to treat acne, the more the likelihood of scars. 
  • Don’t smoke: Smoking increases the chances of scarring. 


Acne Scar Treatment | Best Treatment for Acne Scars | Dr. Priyanka Reddy

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