Hair Transplant

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Hair Transplant in Bangalore

A hair transplant is a procedure in which the doctor moves the hair from the back or the side of the head to the front or top of the head where there is thin or no hair. Hair transplants are generally performed under local anesthetic and are a daycare procedure. 

Causes of hair loss or baldness

There are many factors that can cause hair loss or baldness including:

  • Poor diet or nutritional deficiencies
  • Stress
  • Chronic illness
  • Hormonal imbalance
  • Certain medications
  • Genetics (most common factor)

Bio FUE in Bangalore

  • Bio FUE in Bangalore is a method that extracts hair follicles from the back of the head using multiple incisions in follicular unit extraction.
  • The doctor uses a blade or a needle to cut tiny holes in the area of the scalp that will receive the hair transplant. Extracted hair is placed in these holes.
  • The doctor transplants hundreds or even thousands of hair in a single treatment session. 
  • For a few days, the graft, gauze, or bandages will cover the scalp.

A hair transplant procedure can take up to 4-5 hours. About ten days after surgery, the stitches will be removed. One single session of hair transplant is usually enough for most people. However, those with large bald areas or successive hair loss may need a couple of sessions to achieve expected results.

The procedure of a hair transplant

The doctor uses a tiny needle to numb the head with a local anesthetic after thoroughly cleaning the scalp. FUT and FUE are the two techniques for obtaining follicles for transplantation.

Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT)

  • The surgeon will cut a strip of scalp skin from the back of the head with a scalpel. Typically, the incision is several inches long. This is closed with the help of stitches. 
  • Then, individual follicular units are extracted from this strip and transplanted into the balding area.

Recovery and Results

After the surgery, the scalp is likely to become very tender for a few weeks. Medications need to be taken for a few days. Along with that, the doctor might ask to wear bandages over the scalp for at least a day or two. The patient will be able to return to work after 2-5 days of the operation.

After 3-4 weeks of surgery, the transplanted hair will start coming out, and one might start noticing immense improvement within a few months. Most likely 60% of new hair growth will be observed after 6 to 9 months. The doctor might suggest the hair-growing drug minoxidil (Rogaine) to improve hair growth after transplantation. 

Small crusts will form on each graft within 24 hours, which will be shed in 2-3 weeks. Within 2-4 months, the transplanted hair will start growing back, and complete results will be obtained after the procedure.

Some patients may develop modest swelling in the forehead area for a few days, which will subside in 3–4 days.

To reduce swelling, patients may be instructed to apply moist compresses or sprays and sleep in a semi-upright position for 2–3 days after the treatment.

Post-treatment instructions:


  • Take the medicines at the scheduled time regularly. 
  • Spray the transplanted hair with saline water regularly. 
  • One can start doing light exercises ensuring it doesn’t strain the scalp. 
  • Cover the head with a surgical cap for a minimum of 3 weeks to prevent exposure to heat, dust, and sun rays.


  • Avoid consuming alcohol for the first 2 days after the surgery.
  • Avoid using tap water over the transplanted hair for a few weeks. 
  • Avoid bending downwards for the first 5 days to prevent any swelling.
  • Avoid using a hairdryer.
  • Do not scratch the transplanted hair.
  • Do not comb the transplanted hair with the help of a comb.
  • Do not use any other shampoo. Use the one recommended by the doctor. 
  • Avoid taking steam for at least 14 days.

Risks involved in a hair transplant surgery

Side effects of hair transplant are very rare and if any, it goes away very quickly. Temporary risks/ side effects may include:

  • Bleeding: The patient is advised to avoid taking blood thinner medications for a few weeks before the surgery to avoid this situation).
  • Infection of the hair follicles commonly called folliculitis. Again, it is nothing serious and can be easily dealt with. 
  • Swelling of the scalp: Usually subsides in a week or so. 
  • Bruising around the eyes: It is temporary and subsides within a couple of days. 
  • Feeling of numbness in the scalp. 
  • Itching

Benefits of a hair transplant

Getting a hair transplant in Bangalore can improve the appearance and confidence of the individual. Suitable candidates for a hair transplant include:

  • Men with male pattern baldness.
  • Women having thin and light hair (female pattern baldness).
  • Anyone who has lost some hair due to a burn or scalp injury.

Hair transplant isn’t a good option for

  • Those with insufficient donor hair.
  • People who develop keloid scars (thick, fibrous scars) as a result of accident or surgery.
  • People who experience hair loss as a result of treatment such as chemotherapy.


Q.1 When can results be seen after a hair transplant?

Ans. Results can be seen between 6-9 months after the surgery. For some of the patients, this duration might vary. But it will not take more than 12 months to see the final results. The hair that is transplanted will fall out between the second and eighth week after the surgery. In the third month, the hair might appear to look thinner than what was earlier but this is considered to be normal. 

Q.2 What are the factors on which the cost of Hair Transplant depends?

Ans. Hair Transplant cost in Bangalore at DNA Skin Clinic depends on the following elements:

  • Area to be transplanted
  • Number of grafts
  • Number of sessions
  • Hair transplant surgeon’s qualification and experience
  • Type of hair transplant
  • Medical equipment cost
  • Hair transplant team’s labor cost

Q.3 Is hair transplant a painful procedure?

Ans. Hair transplantation is done under local anesthetic using injections into the scalp. There are numerous methods for reducing and keeping pain to a minimum. An ant bite feeling might be experienced at the injection site, which is easily bearable.

Q.4 Is hair transplant a safe procedure?

Ans. Most people feel afraid of the term ‘surgery’. But, one should know that hair transplant surgery is a less complicated and safe procedure. However, hair transplants should always be performed by a qualified doctor in a sterile OT set-up.

Q.5 Is hair transplant a permanent procedure?

Ans. Yes, the transplanted hair is permanent. It looks and grows the same as natural hair.

Q.6 Why is growth factor therapy required with hair transplant surgery?

Ans. It is not a requirement as such because hair transplant can be performed without combining it with growth factor therapy. Although, most hair transplant surgeons combine these procedures to enhance the results. The following are some of the benefits of the growth factor therapy:

  1. The tissues heal quickly in both the donor and recipient locations.
  2. Expansion of the hair follicles' active growth phase (anagen).
  3. The transplanted follicles have a better chance of surviving in the recipient location. 
  4. Growth factor therapy is thus indicated as a follow-up to hair transplant surgery to boost the growth of both transplanted and existing hair.

Q.7 Is it possible to go bald again after a hair transplant?

Ans. The patient will not experience baldness in the treated area after the hair transplant surgery. The hair follicles which are taken from the back and sides of the head do not fall out. 

Q.8 When can I touch my transplanted hair?

Ans. It is necessary to be cautious for the first 2 weeks after getting a hair transplant. One needs to be careful because grafts are not fixed immediately after transplantation. Bandages can be removed after 3-5 days but make sure not to touch the grafts. 

Q.9 Does transplanted hair look artificial?

Ans. The hair that grows after transplant looks completely natural as the patient’s own hair grafts are used and not any artificial material. 

Q.10 Is there any downtime after a hair transplant?

Ans. The downtime depends on the type of surgery one chooses. If you have got an FUE hair transplant done, the recovery will take up to a week with very less activity restrictions. 


Hair transplantation | Dr. Priyanka Reddy | DNA Skin Clinic |

Female Hair Transplant | LIVE Hair Transplant Surgery for PCOS patient | Dr. Priyanka Reddy.

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