Vampire Facial

Unlock the secrets of Vampire Facials for Ageless Beauty!

Vampire facial treatment works by withdrawing blood from your body and injecting it into your face. This is a very natural process that involves PRP (Platelet-rich plasma), a component of your blood that holds growth factors and other proteins to encourage facial healing on a cellular level. It triggers collagen production, helps improve texture and tone, reduces wrinkles, and promotes the growth of new cells. PRP treatments can give you a natural-looking younger face in no time.

The science behind it!

Understanding the science behind this treatment is essential to know what you'll get from it. PRP Treatment is also known as Vampire facial, not because it will turn you into a vampire or the least give you a pale skin color matching a vampire's look but because it involves your own blood platelets.

Our blood contains red blood cells, white blood cells, plasma, and platelets. Platelets help our blood clot, and when a clot is formed, enzymes are emitted that increase healing and aid in tissue regeneration by drawing stem cells to the injected area to help repair damage. This process also enhances collagen production and the creation of new skin cells, which allows the skin to transform itself into a younger, firmer, and toned self.

Benefits of Vampire Facial/ PRP

Vampire facial or PRP comes loaded with a ton of benefits. We have listed some of them below for you.


  • Increased Collagen production

Injecting your own protein-rich blood into the facial skin jump-starts the process of collagen production, which helps the skin retain that youthful glow and make it firmer and tighter. The development of new cells in the skin helps it repair and heal better, making it appear healthier, plumper, glowing, and radiant.


  • Tightening and toning the skin

PRP treatment triggers cell turnover in the facial skin and boosts collagen and elastin production, resulting in a firmer, tighter, smoother, soft, and supple texture and complexion. The new skin cells help remove dead cells from the skin that make skin look dull and grey and give it a glow from within, making it appear more tightened and toned.

  • Reducing acne damage and scarring

PRP treatments are done with the help of micro-needling, which has shown immediate results in reducing acne damage and scars. Micro-needling churns out fresher skin cells and promotes faster healing, giving you a visible improvement in the persistent acne scars on your face.


  • Producing healthier skin

PRP treatments improve skin texture and provide smooth, soft, and supple skin. The development of new cells in the skin helps retain the moisture better, and a well-moisturized and hydrated skin is key to healthy skin. You'll also notice that your skincare products will work better after a vampire facial as they penetrate the deeper layers of the skin without the dead cells, giving you the best results. On top of this, it also enhances the elasticity of the face, making it resistant to external damage such as sun exposure, pollution, etc.


  • Reduced wrinkles and fine lines

PRP treatments fight signs of aging by eliminating wrinkles and fine lines from your face. Wrinkled skin makes your face look saggy and aged. PRP treatment works best if you aim to get a younger-looking face quickly and with fewer side effects


  • Reducing sun damage

PRP treatment can work wonders for you if you've extreme sun damage. It is proven in many studies that vampire facials can decrease melanin production, thus reducing excess pigmentation caused by sun damage. Regular sunscreen application after the treatment keeps you safe from further sun damage.


  • Lessening dark under-eye circles

PRP treatments have also proven helpful in lessening dark under-eye circles. Vampire facials promote the growth of new skin cells and eliminate dead cells from the skin, automatically giving you a brighter-looking complexion. If injected in the targeted area, such as under the eye, it can decrease the dark circles to a great extent by removing pigmentation and puffiness.


  • Minimizing crow's feet

Crow's feet are the fine lines on the outer corners of your eyes. PRP Treatment increases collagen production in the skin, giving you a wrinkle-less face, minimizing crow's feet, and eliminating aging signs.


The procedure of PRP treatment is straightforward and needs expert hands to perform. It is a three-step procedure explained in detail below.

Step 1: The blood is drawn out of your arm in a small amount (about 2 to 4 tablespoons). It is carefully labeled with your name and safely sealed to avoid contamination. It is then sent to the lab for next steps.

Step 2: After reaching the lab, your blood will be transferred into a test tube and placed in a medical device called a centrifuge. This machine helps in separating nutrient-rich platelets from the blood. 

Step 3: The separated blood with a high concentration of platelet-rich plasma will be directly injected into the targeted area with the help of a micro-needling or syringe. A filler might also be injected for quick results, but it depends on what kind of treatment you will get.

Essential Guidelines for the aftercare of the PRP treatment

Aftercare is critical to get the best results from the treatment and retain the results for longer. We have listed the crucial guidelines you should follow Before and After your first treatment.

Before your Procedure

  • Refrain from consuming alcohol 24-48 hours before your treatment.

  • Consume a nutritious snack before your appointment to reduce the risk of feeling lightheaded during the procedure, and avoid caffeine.

  • Ensure your face is freshly washed and devoid of makeup when you arrive for your appointment.

  • Please be aware that this treatment hasn't been studied in pregnant or breastfeeding individuals. You are responsible for informing our staff about your health status and rescheduling your appointment as necessary.

  • You are responsible for informing your clinician about any health issues and medications you are currently taking.

  • If you have social or work commitments immediately following your scheduled treatment that may impede your recovery, we recommend rescheduling your appointment.

After the Procedure

  • Refrain from touching the treated area for a minimum of 6 hours.

  • The treated area may feel firm for up to 2 weeks but gradually softens over time, resulting in supple, rejuvenated skin. If you notice any lumps or irregularities, please contact your doctor.

  • Avoid scrubbing, exfoliating, or vigorously massaging the treated area for the first 72 hours.

  • You might experience itchiness and dryness in the treated area. You can use Vaseline® or another moisturizer to alleviate these symptoms.

  • Mild discomfort and swelling can occur within the initial 72 hours. Over-the-counter pain medications are suitable for managing this, but avoid aspirin, which can thin the blood and potentially lead to complications.

  • To reduce discomfort, bruising, and swelling, you can apply an ice pack, but remember to place a thin cloth like a dish towel between the ice pack and your skin and use it in 5-minute intervals.

  • For the first 24 to 48 hours, sleeping on your back with your head slightly elevated is recommended. This can help minimize swelling and bruising.

  • Some bruising may occur, which is a normal part of the process. You can use makeup to cover these areas, but wait at least 6 hours after treatment before applying makeup. Bruises typically fade within a few days.


Will PRP work for me?

PRP Treatment is suitable for everyone. It works well for all skin types and all ages, and it is an exceptional choice if you've recently started exploring anti-aging and skin rejuvenation procedures. You're an excellent candidate for this treatment if you're looking to maintain healthy skin or enhance it before a big event as it treats:


  • Fine lines around the mouth, forehead, or eyes

  • Dark under-eye bags

  • Uneven skin texture

  • Large pores

  • Dull or grayish skin tone

  • Excessive Sun damage

  • Acne scars

Although it suits almost everyone, one should avoid getting this treatment if they have any health conditions such as:

  • HIV or AIDS

  • Skin Cancer

  • Hepatitis C

  • Any clotting or bleeding disorders

  • Anemia

  • Blood cancer

  • Cardiovascular disease, which requires taking a blood thinner

You should always consult your dermatologist first before going for the treatment to avoid any future complications.

Vampire Facial or PRP is not always painful; it actually depends on your pain tolerance. PRP is done with the help of micro-needling, and while some people with high pain tolerance will not even feel it, some of you might feel slight discomfort. Inform your doctor immediately if you sense excessive pain or discomfort during your session.

When we say this is the best treatment for a newbie just exploring the benefits of cosmetic face treatments, it is because PRP has very little recovery time and fewer side effects. If you're planning to get a PRP treatment, you should know that the only side effects you can get will be Redness, soreness, bruising, and some swelling, all of which are very common and will heal in just 3-4 days. As the procedure requires your own blood to be injected into the face, the chances of an infection are meager. If you're getting a filler with the PRP treatment, in rare cases, you might get some allergic reaction from the filler. You must consult the doctor before deciding on the treatment, as they'll do a detailed study of your skin and suggest the best treatments for you.

How long does it take to see results from a PRP?

You'll start noticing the changes in your face within a week after the face has fully recovered. The Redness, bruising, swelling, and soreness will disappear in just one week. In 1-2 months, you'll notice that you now have rejuvenated skin that appears younger and feels softer and more supple. These results can last anywhere from 1-2 years.

How long does the PRP procedure take, and is there any downtime?

PRP treatment can take anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour. It also depends on what area you're getting treated in and the dosage. 


One of the advantages of a PRP treatment is that it doesn't need much downtime. You'll notice some redness, soreness, and bruising immediately after the treatment, but it is prevalent and easily manageable. Some people might get swelling in the treated area, but it will disappear within 3-4 days. You might have to postpone your immediate social events as you'll want your face to rest for 3-4 days. Always consult your doctor for the after-effects of any cosmetic procedure so that you can plan the date for your treatment accordingly.

Can I combine a PRP with other cosmetic treatments?

Yes, you can combine PRP with other cosmetic treatments, too. Sometimes, your doctor will suggest a filler with a PRP for immediate results as you might need 2-3 sitting for the treatment for the best results, and it will take some time to show results.

You can contact us for the best consultation with our experts. We will help you determine the treatments you need for the best results.

Are there any at-home versions or DIY vampire facial kits available?

No, there are no at-home versions of Vampire facials. This process requires micro-needling and can only be done in the presence of an expert doctor. On the other hand, you cannot remove the plasma from your blood by yourself, which requires machinery and experience.

We strongly advise not to use DIY Facial kits at home as it can be disastrous for your skin.

How long do the effects of a PRP last?

Results of a PRP Treatment can last anywhere between 1-2 years. It depends on what area is treated and other treatments combined with PRP. Before scheduling any treatment, you should talk to your doctor to fully understand the procedure.

Is PRP suitable for people of all skin types and tones?

Yes, PRP is suitable for skin types, tones, and ages, but you should not get PRP done if you've any of the below health issues.

  • HIV or AIDS

  • Skin Cancer

  • Hepatitis C

  • Any clotting or bleeding disorders

  • Anemia

  • Blood cancer

  • Cardiovascular disease, which requires taking a blood thinner

Can PRP make me look younger?

PRP treatments encourage the growth of new cells and improve the tone and texture of your face. After a PRP treatment, you'll notice your face has fewer wrinkles, and sagginess will disappear. Although this procedure helps eliminate signs of aging, you will not get the exact face you used to have years ago. It will make you look younger but not give you the same youthful face as your old pictures.

How Often Should I Get PRP Face Treatments?

You will notice differences in your face after your first treatment, but getting at least three vampire facials in 3 months is advised to get the best long-term effects. The numbers depend on how well your skin responds to the PRP treatment. You can check with your doctor for a detailed skin analysis to know precisely how often you'll need the PRP Face treatment.

Are PRP Skin Treatment Results Permanent?

No, you cannot get permanent results from any cosmetic treatments. PRP treatment can give you long-term benefits after completing the whole treatment plan but cannot guarantee permanent facial changes. Taking good care of your face after the treatment can last between 1-2 years on average, depending on what area you got treated.

What Should You Do After a PRP Facial?

Below are the crucial guidelines that you should follow after a PRP Facial.

  • Refrain from touching the treated area for a minimum of 6 hours.

  • The treated area may feel firm for up to 2 weeks but gradually softens over time, resulting in supple, rejuvenated skin. If you notice any lumps or irregularities, please contact your doctor.

  • Avoid scrubbing, exfoliating, or vigorously massaging the treated area for the first 72 hours.

  • You might experience itchiness and dryness in the treated area. You can use Vaseline® or another moisturizer to alleviate these symptoms.

  • Mild discomfort and swelling can occur within the initial 72 hours. Over-the-counter pain medications are suitable for managing this, but avoid aspirin, which can thin the blood and potentially lead to complications.

  • To reduce discomfort, bruising, and swelling, you can apply an ice pack, but remember to place a thin cloth like a dishtowel between the ice pack and your skin and use it in 5-minute intervals.

  • For the first 24 to 48 hours, sleeping on your back with your head slightly elevated is recommended. This can help minimize swelling and bruising.

  • Some bruising may occur, which is a normal part of the process. You can use makeup to cover these areas, but wait at least 6 hours after treatment before applying makeup. Bruises typically fade within a few days.

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