Microneedling for Acne Scars: Benefits, Side Effects, Risk

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January 12 , 2024

Discover how microneedling revolutionizes acne scar treatment, its effectiveness, benefits, and why consulting a dermatologist is crucial. Learn about the procedure, its results, and when it's not advisable, e...

Acne scarring is the biggest challenge amongst people. Many times, people need to deal with the pimples that leave scars. Further, these acne scars tend to develop cystic acne. These rigid scars can last for several months to years. Once you try the over-the-counter products, microneedling is the solution to remove acne scars. Percutaneous Collagen Induction or Microneedling Therapy is a new treatment modality. It is seen as an effective and straightforward method in atrophic scar treatments. The main goal is to get into the evaluations of the clinical effect and quantify the changes in acne scarring in response to microneedling. 


What is Microneedling?

In microneedling, tiny needles are used to make punctures on the skin. Many dermatologists suggest micro-needling to get rid of the following: 

  • Dark Spots

  • Acne Scars

  • Melasma

  • Sagging Skin 

  • Large Pores

  • Scars as an effect of injury or surgery

  • Uneven skin textures 

  • Fine lines

  • Wrinkles

  • Stretch Marks


Microneedling has proven itself to be safe for almost all skin tones. It is also known as "Collagen Induction Therapy" as it stimulates the body to make collagen. If micro-needling is done correctly, your body responds by letting the holes in the skin with accurate collagen. This can result in fewer wrinkles and noticeable scars, making the skin texture and tone even. 

How Effective is Micro Needling for Acne Scars?

The Micro Needing requires fine needles that can easily prick the skin. During the whole process of skin-pricking, the skin produces collagen to heal minor wounds with needles. 


The ideation behind this treatment is that new collagen that is formed can quickly smooth out the skin's appearance. It fills the wrinkles, fine lines, and scars. As per the American Academy of Dermatology, microneedling can work wonders for deep acne scars. This is more linked to collagen-inducing effects. The skin would already have collagen if your acne scars were raised enough. A few studies suggest skin needling works best when combined with PRP or vitamin C. If you have dark skin tones, microneedling for acne scars is a considerable treatment compared to laser therapy. This doesn't remove the dead outer skin layer. If you have sensitive or thin skin, then microneedling can be considered safe. Collagen makes the skin look supple and young, giving a natural glow and preventing wrinkles. 


Dermatologists can suggest microneedling in combination with treatments like microdermabrasion therapy. We can conclude that micro needling comes with various benefits that include:

  • Improvement in the skin texture

  • Reduction in inflammation

  • Improvement in skin health

  • Less appearance of scars

  • Collagen production


Microneedling helps treat various wrinkles, large pores, or scars. It provides elastin fibers in the skin, giving it a firm and toned look. Microneedling is advisable for every skin type. We cannot say that microneedling is a permanent solution. There are cases where the results of microneedling are seen to be temporary and can be marinated with treatments at regular intervals. 

The number of micro needling sessions you will require depends on how the scars are and the expected results. If you have:


  • You require 3-6 sessions for mild to moderate scars within 4-6 weeks.

  • Severe scars will require up to 12 sessions and can take up to 6 months to fully show the expected results from microneedling.


It is always advisable to discuss the micro-needling with the doctor so that you can take the required steps to prepare for the procedure. You might be advised not to take certain medications to reduce the adverse effects. During microneedling, the skin starts to work quickly and make new tissue. After microneedling, you will begin to see your skin vibrating. The great results can be noticed within 2 weeks. Just like any other medicated treatment, microneedling has side effects that are mild skin irritations staying for a few days. Swelling, bruising, temporary redness, and flaking of the skin can be noticed. Sometimes, the side effects start, including permanent scarring and infection. 


At-Home Microneedling Devices or Seeing a Dermatologist?

Products available for at-home microneedling are performed under non-medical guidance and are gentler products with less noticeable results than microneedling from a dermatologist. 


Sometimes, at-home micro-needling leads to risks:


  • Sometimes, the microneedling pierces the skin, leading to infection or scarring. 

  • Too much pressure can damage the skin, causing skin color or texture changes.

  • It can accidentally lead to herpes, the spreading of warts, and other skin viruses. 

It is crystal clear that microneedling should be performed with medical assistance. 


Top Benefits of Microneedling by a Dermatologist:

If you choose a dermatologist for micro-needling you will get the below-mentioned benefits: 

  • Treatment tailor-made to your skin concerns

  • The right number of treatment sessions

  • Prevention of the condition getting worse

  • Long-lasting results keeping your skin look young

  • Prevention from any infection and irritation on the skin

Choosing a certified dermatologist will surely give you long-lasting results compared to microneedling under non-medical guidance. 


How does a Dermatologist perform Microneedling?

Radiofrequency microneedling is a different type of microneedling in which heat is added to the treatment. The heat then travels down the needles. Adding heat increases the body's ability to make more collagen, giving improved results. As per a few theories, microneedling can give the same level of medical satisfaction, just like the laser, with fewer side effects. 

Cost for Microneedling for Acne Scars?

The microneedling is a treatment that varies as per the patient's needs. Many clinic treatments charge fair prices, delivering microneedling services. To know the exact cost of microneedling, you must book a consultation. Make sure your consultation includes the following:

  • Well-known dermatologists matching your skincare concerns

  • A team of medical experts who can support you with insurance, payment, prescriptions, and anything else that is required

  • A separate medical treatment plan

You need to understand that microneedling is an effective acne scar reduction treatment. After one session, many people start noticing a major difference with fewer side effects. It's an effective way to improve your appearance. 


When do patients see results from microneedling?


Once the microneedling procedure is completed, many patients don't need much recovery time. The process is non-invasive and can be carried along with your daily routine. However, you might feel slightly irritated because of the tiny needles. You might notice some redness. You might be advised to apply sunscreen or avoid sun for a suggested period. After a few weeks, you will see differences and results in your skin. 


How long do the results from microneedling last?

Usually, microneedling should not be performed more than once every 30 days. It takes 4-6 weeks to see a significant difference on your face. It is still advisable to discuss the frequency of microneedling with the dermatologist. 


When is Microneedling Not Advisable?

If you are experiencing an acne breakout, the doctor might advise you to postpone the procedure until all your acne clears up. If you have open wounds or if you are pregnant, then microneedling is not advisable.


The Last Lines!

Microneedling has a high success rate ratio. Microneedling is highly advisable for reducing the activation of acne. Microneedling, which uses the body's natural healing abilities, has been the safest option. This procedure is less painful and gives the same level of satisfaction as laser therapy. But, once you discuss your skin concerns, you will get complete guidance.  


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